So I've decided to start writing again, and there are a couple of reasons why. One is because I miss it. I miss translating all my jumbled thoughts into words that make sense outside of my head. I miss over-thinking and backspacing, and I miss the satisfaction of finding the perfect word. The other reason, the more important one, is that quite soon I'm expecting to be the mother of a baby boy named Brixton. I'm a little over eight months pregnant and have found that I'm really quite different from who I was just eight months ago. The food I eat, the things that annoy me, the people I confide in and what I care about most have all changed in the matter of months. I have never been more excited and anxious about anything in my entire life, and I can't wait to remember that six years from now.

When I think about preggo Bea I want to cry happy excited tears of joy.