It took a minute for his eyes to develop enough to see them, but he's definitely LOVING them now. I love to spin them around and watch him stare with such awe and wonder. It's pretty cute to see him yell his little baby words at the mobiles when they slow down or stop moving.
The first one I completed hangs over our bed and is made of black and white paper stars and fishing wire. It's so awesome to wake up and look over to see him already awake, just staring at it, learning.

I purchased some black and white flash cards and also made an assortment of my own to hang in our kikkerland picture mobile, but we haven't really gotten around to trying those out. Instead, we're using these adorable mini stuffed animals from Ikea, and they're totally a hit with Brixton so we haven't bothered to switch them out just yet.

Today I think I'll try to finish the gobbi mobile I started, also inspired by Finn's mom Meg after reading about it in her blog. You will see the other one I made to match his room when I eventually get around to posting his nursery photos-- some day soon I hope. I know I said I would share those a while ago, but it's not like I've been slacking. One handed typing in the dark isn't the easiest thing ever. Luckily and sadly, Brixton does seem to get the teensiest bit less needy everyday.
you should totally post up pictures of brixton's room to ohdeedoh since it's pretty awesome. but when you have time. i know the first year when my son was born, any free time i had, i spent it napping...