
So I pretty much was ill all weekend long, and I guess I passed whatever bug I had to Brixton. My poor little guy. I was ready to admit that I didn't get to make anything today seeing as I've been attending to my sick baby all day, but then I realized that's not exactly true. Today I was making my baby feel better.

This is pretty much what we did all day long:

Snuggletown. Population: 2


  1. Aw how sweet! Are these polaroids? Hope you are both better soon

  2. I love you both very much and hope you're feeling better right quick. Y'all hear?

  3. awe. I hope you two feel better!!!

  4. snuggle town. hyuk! hyuK! "won't you take me to, snuggle toooown" has a nice ring to it. me likey!! :)

    by the way, brx has a wikkid mohican goin' on. how cool is this kid? hope the both of you get well pronto!!

  5. That's the best kind of crafting!

  6. aww thanks guys for all the well wishes. we are feeling much better this week... and brx is back to getting into all sorts of naughtiness-- almost as if he's making up for lost time, actually.

    @anonymous commenter: no-- these photos aren't polaroids.. fauxlaroids really. i have an app on my phone that makes them look like polaroids. :) i'm such a cheater.

    @guavmom: yes mom, we hear. we love you too and i'm very excited to hear about your trip to atx.

    @guerrrilla: ya, i'm pretty stoked on his little mohawk too!

    @sara: it really is!
